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Blue Ridge Veterinary Associates


Annual dental exams and cleanings are recommended to protect your pet from many health problems and help them maintain a healthy and clean mouth.

Purcellville Veterinary Dental Care

Your Pet’s World Revolves Around His or Her Mouth

Regular dental care is essential for keeping your pet healthy and happy. Dental disease is a common issue among household pets that can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. Regular annual dental cleanings and gum exams are vital in helping maintain proper oral hygiene and prevent potentially dangerous health complications for your pet.

Contact our veterinary dentists in Purcellville to schedule an appointment today. We can also be reached by phone at (540) 269-4656.

Comprehensive Dental Services

Many pet owners don’t pay attention to their pet’s teeth, but regular dental checkups for your pets are just as important as they are for you. Dental and periodontal checkups can help diagnose, treat, and prevent medical issues that can lead to worse health conditions if not properly taken care of.

Blue Ridge Veterinary Associates offers complete pet oral health services, including:

  • Annual dental cleanings with anesthesia

  • Dental x-rays

  • Preventative dental care

  • Emergency oral services

Counseling Pet Owners on Dental Care

There are steps you can take at home in between your pet’s dental visits with Blue Ridge Veterinary Associates. This includes regular brushing, feeding your pet food specialized for their dental health, and offering them dental chews that can help remove harmful bacteria from the teeth.

This may not always be easy, especially when it comes to brushing your pet’s teeth. Rest assured that with regular practice and advise from our veterinary dentists, your pet will begin to look forward to their nightly dental routine. We’ll share tips and techniques to help you take care of your pet’s dental health every day.

Contact us for more information regarding our dental services and our great line of veterinary dental care products.